
An Experiment specifies one setting of a problem: evaluating performance of a particular configuration of models, hyperparameters, search methods for those hyperparameters, prompt, and datasets. Running Experiments is a systematic way to measure the performance of your system across Runs.

There are two ways to create an Experiment:

  1. Through the Python SDK by invoking nomadic.experiment(...) as noted in the Example Usage, and
  2. Through the Nomadic Workspace, under “Experiments —> + (on the top right section)“.


Specify your evaluator to assess the LLM system in two ways.

Option 1: Specify the model, evaluator, and evaluation dataset

Provide the model, evaluator, and evaluation_dataset parameters and inputs to the nomadic.Experiment class.

This is recommended if you plan to use:

  • Evaluator:
    • An evaluator supported through LlamaIndex’s BaseEvaluator, or
    • An evaluator for prompt tuning, by defining a custom_evaluator dict and your own weights of metrics, and an LLM-as-a-judge evaluates the produced scores as the weighted result.
  • Model: A model supported through LlamaIndex’s BaseLLM classes.

Option 2: Define your own custom evaluation function

param_fn is an objective function provides the most flexibility for you to specify custom params, success metrics, or your own model definitions.

This is recommended if you plan to use models or evaluators that are not supported by LlamaIndex, or if you are doing prompt tuning.

See the Cookbooks for full examples. To define your own objective function, provide the following parameters to the nomadic.Experiment class.:

  • param_fn: Your defined function to score the LLM.
  • params: Your set of hyperparameters to iterate over during the experiment.
    • Optionally, provide fixed_param_dict to fix certain hyperparameters during the experiment.
    • Optionally, provide current_param_dict to compare your current parameter settings with the settings explored during the experiment. Specified current_param_dict settings are included in experiment results.
  • model, evaluator, and evaluation_dataset are not required.

Fields (Experiment class)

paramsSet[str]N/aA set of hyperparameters to iterate over during the experiment.Yes
evaluation_datasetOptional[List[Dict]][{}]Evaluation dataset in dictionary format.No
param_fnOptional[Callable[[Dict[str, Any]], Any]]NoneThe objective function that scores the LLM system being optimized on the specified parameters.No
modelOptional[Model]NoneModel to run the experiment.No
evaluatorOptional[Union[BaseEvaluator, Callable, Dict[str, Any]]]NoneEvaluator of the experiment (can be a LlamaIndex BaseEvaluator).No
tunerOptional[BaseParamTuner]NoneInstance of a tuner class for hyperparameter tuning.No
fixed_param_dictOptional[Dict[str, Any]]NoneOptional dictionary of fixed hyperparameter values.No
current_param_dictOptional[Dict[str, Any]]NoneOptional dictionary of current hyperparameter values.No
experiment_resultOptional[ExperimentResult]NoneThe tuned result of the experiment.No
user_prompt_requestOptional[str]""User request for GPT prompt.No
num_samplesOptional[int]-1Number of hyperparameter tuning samples to run. Only active for FLAML.No
results_filepathOptional[str]NonePath to output tuner run results.No
namestr"my experiment"The name of the Experiment.No
client_idOptional[str]NoneID of Experiment on the Nomadic Workspace, if synchedNo


run(param_dict: Dict[str, Any]) -> ExperimentResult

Runs the experiment using the specified model, parameters, and evaluator. Returns the ExperimentResult containing the best result and other metadata.

save_experiment(folder_path: Path)

Saves the experiment’s configuration and results to a specified folder path.


Generates visualizations of the experiment’s results, including score distributions, boxplots, and heatmaps.

test_significance(n: int)

Performs a significance test (Mann-Whitney U test) on the top n results against the rest. Outputs the statistical results and effect size.

Example Usage

Basic Experiment Example

import json
import requests

from llama_index.core.evaluation import SemanticSimilarityEvaluator
from llama_index.embeddings.openai import OpenAIEmbedding

from nomadic.experiment import Experiment
from nomadic.model import OpenAIModel
from nomadic.tuner import tune

# Run a generic experiment
experiment = Experiment(
    model=OpenAIModel(api_keys={"OPENAI_API_KEY": "<Your OpenAI API Key>"}),

results = experiment.run({
        "temperature": tune.choice([0.1, 0.5, 0.9]),
        "max_tokens": tune.choice([50, 100, 200]),
best_result = experiment.experiment_result.best_run_result

print(f"Best score: {best_result.score} - Optimal params: {best_result.params} - Metadata: {best_result.metadata}")

Advanced Experiment with Custom Objective Function

from nomadic.experiment import Experiment
from nomadic.result import ExperimentResult, RunResult
from nomadic.tuner import tune

# Custom objective function
def objective_function(param_dict):
    # Simulate a score calculation based on param_dict
    score = param_dict['param1'] * param_dict['param2']
    return RunResult(
        metadata={"alternate_score": param_dict['param1'] + param_dict['param2']}

# Define experiment
experiment: Experiment = Experiment(

# Run experiment
experiment_results: ExperimentResult = experiment.run({
        "param1": tune.choice([1, 2, 3]),
        "param2": tune.choice([10, 20, 30]),

# Obtain best RunResult
best_result: RunResult = experiment_results.best_run_result
print(f"Best Result - Score: {best_result.score} -  Params: {best_result.params}")


  • The Experiment class is highly configurable and supports integration with different Tuners, like FLAML and Ray Tune.
  • Use Visualizations and statistical tests to better understand the results of your Experiments.