Running experiments is a systematic way to measure the performance of your system across prompt, model, or hyperparameter configurations.

Nomadic’s experimentation capabilities simpliefies your testing process with integrated project setup, API key handling, and experiment configuration tools.

Submit an Experiment

There are two ways to create an Experiment:

  1. Through the Python SDK by invoking nomadic.experiment(...) as noted in the Example Usage, and
  2. Through the Nomadic Workspace, our managed service GUI.

Nomadic SDK Example

See the Experiment class Experiment for basic Experiment usage.
experiment = Experiment(
    model=OpenAIModel(api_keys={"OPENAI_API_KEY": os.environ.get("OPENAI_API_KEY")}),
    params={"temperature", "max_tokens"},
        'temperature': 0.5,
        'max_tokens': 300,
    user_prompt_request="Provide a comprehensive summary of the financial advice meeting",
    prompt_focus="fact extraction and action points",
# Run the experiment
experiment_results =
        "temperature": tune.choice([0.1, 0.5, 0.9]),
        "max_tokens": tune.choice([150, 300, 450])

Repeatable Experimentation

Re-configure and trigger Experiment runs either through the SDK or Nomadic Workspace.

Centralized Projects

We give you an interactive, centralized dashboard regardless of whether you’re using Nomadic from the workspace or your local machine.

Interpretable Results

Fine-grained visualizations of experiment results on different model settings. Compare each training run. It’s even easy to look-back on optimal settings as runtime data evolves.

Standard visualizations

Our Experiments dashboard includes key out-of-the-box visualizations such as:

  1. Detailed heatmaps on the the impact of different parameter settings on model performance
  2. Top-scoring parameter combinations in tables
  3. Statistical summaries to ensure your models are robust and reliable
  4. Live data lookback, that updates real-time with your most recent production data

On the SDK, see Observability for how you can leverage the experiment.visualize_results() function to get a comprehensive visual analysis of the experiment results, focusing on the score distribution and its relationship with various hyperparameters.

Custom visualizations

You can also customize your visualizations. As an example,
# Create the heatmap
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
sns.heatmap(heatmap_data, annot=True, cmap="YlGnBu", linewidths=.5)
plt.title("Heatmap of Score by Temperature and Prompt Variations")
plt.xlabel("Prompt Variations")
plt.xticks(rotation=45, ha="right")

Object Registry

Nomadic captures not just metrics, but your models, datasets, and configurations so that your project is reproducible.