
After running an experiment, Nomadic enables you to visualize and statistically interpret the impact of different parameter settings on model performance.

Key Features

  1. Visualize detailed heatmaps on the the impact of different parameter settings on model performance
  2. View top-scoring parameter combinations in tables
  3. Statistical summaries to ensure your models are robust and reliable

Nomadic Workspace

Coming soon! The Nomadic Workspace provides a GUI with a comprehensive set of visual summaries that enable you to confidently interpret experiment results.

Nomadic SDK

The experiment.visualize_results() function provides a comprehensive visual analysis of the experiment results, focusing on the score distribution and its relationship with various hyperparameters.

1. Usage

To generate our visualizations and summaries on the SDK, simply call:


2. Visualizations

Score Distribution

  • A histogram showing the distribution of scores across all experiment runs.
  • Provides an overview of the range and frequency of scores achieved.

Categorical Parameters vs. Score

For each categorical parameter (e.g., prompt_tuning_approach, prompt_tuning_complexity, prompt_tuning_focus):

  • A box plot displaying the score distribution for each category.
  • Helps identify which categories within a parameter tend to yield higher or lower scores.
  • Useful for understanding the impact of different categorical choices on performance.

Numeric Parameters vs. Score

For each numeric parameter (e.g., temperature, max_tokens):

  • A scatter plot showing the relationship between the parameter value and the score.
  • Helps visualize any trends or correlations between numeric parameters and performance.

3. Statistical Summary

Top 5 Performing Parameter Combinations

Displays a table of the top 5 parameter combinations based on score, showing:

  • The specific values for each parameter
  • The corresponding score

This helps identify the most successful configurations tested in the experiment.

Summary Statistics

Prints a summary of score statistics, including:

  • Count
  • Mean
  • Standard deviation
  • Minimum
  • 25th percentile
  • Median (50th percentile)
  • 75th percentile
  • Maximum

This provides a quick numerical overview of the score distribution.