Below we demonstrate steps for setting up Python notebook to optimize a basic LLM system.

This sample application is a summarization task on a financial advisor session using OpenAI’s GPT-4o mini, evaluated on semantic similarity. Ground truth is provided through the evaluation dataset. The sample uses grid search, a basic hyperparameter search method supported in Nomadic.

For other templates, see Cookbooks repository.

1. Install Nomadic

To run these locally, you’ll need to install the Nomadic SDK, as below:

pip install nomadic

To sync results with the Nomadic Workspace, you’ll need a Nomadic account and an associated API key.

The Nomadic Workspace is coming soon! Until then, please check out the Workspace demo.

2. Import necessary libraries

Import Experiment, and the relevant Model, Tuner, and evaluators you will use.

import os

from llama_index.core.evaluation import SemanticSimilarityEvaluator
from llama_index.embeddings.openai import OpenAIEmbedding
import nest_asyncio

from nomadic.experiment import Experiment
from nomadic.model import OpenAIModel
from nomadic.tuner import tune


PROJECT_DIRECTORY = f"{os.path.abspath('')}/../.."

3. Upload evaluation dataset

Below is a sample evaluation dataset that contains the dataset used in this sample summarization task.

sample_evaluation_dataset = [
        "Context": "Financial meeting with client John Doe",
        "Instruction": "Summarize the key points",
        "Question": "What were the main topics discussed?",
        "Answer": "Investment strategies, retirement planning, and risk management"

4. Create an Experiment

Below is sample code to create a basic Experiment assessing the summarization task.

experiment = Experiment(
    name = "Sample_Nomadic_Experiment",
    model = OpenAIModel(
    params = {"temperature","max_tokens"},
    current_hp_values = {
    evaluation_dataset = sample_evaluation_dataset

5. Run the Experiment

results =
        "temperature": tune.choice([0.1, 0.5, 0.9]),
        "max_tokens": tune.choice([50, 100, 200]),

6. Interpret Results

Nomadic SDK

With a completed nomadic.Experiment object, run:


This returns you the optimal hyperparameter setting on your success metrics, and visualizations about different parameter setting performances.

Nomadic Workspace

Coming soon!

Schedule an Experiment job

Coming soon!